Smart solution: Make more profits by stopping stress loss

Stress loss is one of the top "hidden costs" that can can dramaically cut into the profitability of a beef operation. But advances in nutritional therapy -- through innovative products such as DeStress Nutritional Technology -- give producers an effective option to plug that profit-drain while boosting animal welfare at the same time.
"Stress-loss is a common and not often very well identified or addressed issue," says Dr. Al Schaefer of Lacombe, Alberta, a leading researcher on the impact of stress on livestock. "We know more than ever about the stress related to transport and handling and about the impacts this can have on the well-being of the animals and on related economic factors. It is an issue becoming more important today from an animal welfare perspective. It is also very important to the profitability of livestock operations, as it represents an often hidden cost resulting in reduced meat yield and quality."
DeStress is a 'triple win' technology, says Schaefer. "The science shows that DeStress benefits the animals, protects value for both the producer and the packer, and results in a better product."
Slashing shrink
The research shows stress-related shrink – or weight loss – that animals experience is particularly damaging. The loss of body fluid can, of course, lead to dehydration. The effects of shrink become even more damaging to animal health when fat and muscle are involved. These losses of fat and muscle tissue may account for as much as 50% of total shrink.
Working synergistically to mitigate the harmful effects of stress-related shrink, the natural feed components in DeStress supply energy, electrolytes, and selective amino acids. Cow-calf producers and feedlot operators can benefit. There are also product versions for swine and equine.
“DeStress nutritional therapy protects value for cow-calf producers by providing a stress-management tool for weaned and transported calves,” Schaefer notes. “Research has demonstrated that treated calves lose less weight, have an improved immune function, and demonstrate an improved weight gain in the early stages postweaning.”
Maximizing and protecting value
Feedlot operators using the product may see substantial improvements in carcass grade and yield of finished cattle. DeStress nutritional therapy protects value for the packer by reducing the incidence of quality grade aberrations such as dark cutting beef. Value is realized by the producer through higher profits related to higher yield and quality.
Among key benefits:
• Electrolytes keep cells hydrated by supplying potassium and magnesium.
• Amino acids help counteract muscle protein loss.
• The energy helps counter the harmful effects of hypoglycemia, which causes low sugar levels in blood and muscle tissue that can lead to increased dark cutting.
“DeStress is designed to counter stress in any age or class of animal,” says Schaefer. “If stress is reduced or managed, the subsequent growth and health of the animals are improved.”
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Posted on September 14, 2017 by Brad Brinkworth