Future of feed: Q&A: DeStress leads charge for nutritional therapy

DeStress is a featured product as part of a new ‘REP5’ (Ruminant Enhancement Program 5) initiative available to dairy and beef operations in the U.S. and Canada. The program is designed to maximize animal performance and economic value through an integrated approach to feed enhancing products for ruminants.
Here is a product Q&A with Blake Copeland, western ruminant sales representative for the REP5 program:
Q: What is the potential for ruminant benefits from feed technology?
Copeland: “The feed technology options for beef and dairy animals have never been better. The science has advanced. The knowledge has advanced. The latest products represent a brand new level of innovation."
Q: What is the concept behind the REP5 program?
"REP5 allows our customers to tailor the best combination of five of our top feed enhancing options, for overall more cost effective and powerful results. DeStress is one of the top options featured in this program."
Q: What are the advantages of bio-based options such as DeStress?
"All of the REP5 products included have unique advantages that complement one another and work well together through tailored integrated approaches. All are bio-based so they are an excellent fit with what customers and consumers are demanding today. They also fit well with reduced antibiotic systems, by providing alternative ways to promote optimal productivity.”
Q: What is the promise of nutritional therapy with DeStress?
"DeStress represents a brand new approach – as a nutritional therapy supplement – to protect dairy and beef cattle from the damaging effects of stress experienced during handling, including key situations such as transport, regrouping and weaning. It's one of the first products of its kind and is based on many years of advanced research by leading scientists who have pioneered this approach."
"Studies with ruminants show substantial advantages with DeStress, related to reduced stress, including protection against performance and productivity reductions, as well as improved live weight retention, grading and carcass yield. DeStress also reduces the incidences of dark cutter.”
Q: Interest in DeStress is rising as livestock industries face increasing animal welfare scrutiny. How can it help?
"DeStress directly benefits animal welfare. This is great for the animals and also great for production. At a time when there is increasing pressure and requirements around animal welfare, it's something operations can point to, as an additional way to show animal welfare is important to them and they are leading in this area."
"DeStress helps provide not only producers but also customers and consumers with the peace of mind that the animals are well cared for and are getting the latest nutritional advantages to protect them from potential threats related to stress."
Q: How can producers and industry learn more about DeStress?
Contact the DeStress team anytime. We always look forward to talking feed technology and can help you find the right fit."
Posted on June 19, 2017 by Brad Brinkworth